
Next Space Rebels

If Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos can do it, you can do it better! Become a rocket builder and 'reboot' the internet in this activist art game. Next Space Rebels revolves around the childish fun of launching homemade rockets into space, while also exposing genuine concerns about an increasingly regulated internet. As great powers and multinational corporations battle for dominance, the question is who will protect our freedom? The answer: the one that has the most internet satellites in orbit. In this game you join a group of activists to fight for an independent internet. The story reveals the worrying struggle for control of the Internet. Floris Kaayk is a digital storyteller and master in turning the truth upside down. In his stories he gives his absurd fantasy vision of the future to which all technological developments may lead one day.

Next Space Rebels
Next Space Rebels
Next Space Rebels
Next Space Rebels
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